Seller's Posts 23 October 2023

6 Tricks for turning your “For Sale” to “Sold”

Selling your home can be an exciting endeavor, but it often comes with the desire for a swift and successful sale. After all, who wouldn’t want to move on to the next chapter of their life sooner rather than later? In this blog post, we’re going to unveil six essential steps that can help you achieve just that – a quicker sale of your home. From pricing it right to enhancing its curb appeal, we’ll guide you through a strategic plan to expedite the selling process and make your real estate journey as smooth as possible. So, if you’re eager to turn that ‘For Sale’ sign into a ‘Sold’ sign in no time, keep reading. Your faster home sale begins here!


With today’s market conditions, it’s more important than ever to market your home at a price that will attract buyers and cause it to sell.

Consider the following 6-step method to a quicker sale:

1.Hire a REALTOR® who carries out a direct sales comparison approach to market value after a thorough inspection of your home, not a quick walk-through and a stab at market price.

Experience has shown that the quick approach can cause one of two problems:

–A lower price that will give some of your money away, or

— More likely, a higher than market price that will scare buyers and their agents away.

2. The look and feel of your home creates a greater emotional response than any other factor. People buy first with their emotions and their eyes. Prepare your home for the market before you list to give it maximum curb appeal and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

3. Consider ordering a prelisting home inspection. Then correct any defects or deferred maintenance noted in your report. The buyer has the option of ordering his own inspection, and you can avoid a possible renegotiation of the price or the potential of the buyer walking away.

4. Once listed, have the company’s other salespeople inspect your home and give their collective opinion of value. This is a great way to obtain other opinions from experienced REALTORS® and to see whether your list price is in line with the opinions of other industry professionals. These people work with buyers everyday and have a good idea of market value. They will also be totally honest since they are not competing for the listing. If their price differs, consider changing it. It’s a great way to obtain more than one opinion and attract more potential buyers.

5. Welcome feedback from buyers and buyer representatives. Then be prepared to adjust your price to reflect what the market is saying if you want to sell.

6. Promote maximum showings by making your home easy for salespeople to show and it competes for the attention of buyer agents.


We have learned that successful marketing and sales results are dependent on sound market and property research, a professional pricing analysis that reflects market conditions, preparing your home for the market, easy accessibility for showings and complete cooperation with agents and their buyers.

With these six proven steps in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to a swift and successful home sale. Remember, it’s all about setting the right price, making your property shine, and having a strategic approach. We hope this blog has been a valuable resource in your real estate journey. If you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any of your Real Estate Needs.


Here’s to your new adventures and a speedy sale! Good luck!