2024 Blog Posts 30 Year Amortization and other Mortgage Changes For First Time Buyers Exciting Changes to Canada’s Mortgage Rules: What You Need to Know if You’re a First-Time Homebuyer Homeownership is about to get a little easier for first-time buyers across Canada. In a recent announcement, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland revealed two major reforms to mortgage rules, set to roll out this December. These changes are designed to […]
2024 Blog Posts Thriving Tides: First Quarter Real Estate Rollercoaster in Niagara! Improving First Quarter in the Niagara Region: Things are Picking Up!  The age old question for a realtor: How’s the Market. Well folks, seems like things are doing fairly well in the Niagara Region despite the pressure of unchanging interest rates. Here is how the market in the Niagara Region is stacking up based on […]
Seller's Posts 6 Tricks for turning your “For Sale” to “Sold” Selling your home can be an exciting endeavor, but it often comes with the desire for a swift and successful sale. After all, who wouldn’t want to move on to the next chapter of their life sooner rather than later? In this blog post, we’re going to unveil six essential steps that can help you […]
Seller's Posts Unveiling the Spooky Absorption Rates in Real Estate We all know that Real Estate is a cyclical beast. An eb and flow of timing the market and time IN the market. However in the last year things have changed dramatically. Interest rates have climbed continuously (with another announcement only a couple weeks away from the time of this post’s release) and pricing still […]
2022 Blogs Posts Is Co-Ownership coming to Niagara? Co-ownership is not a new trend. Urban areas like Toronto, B.C and parts of the U.S like San Francisco have already begun to use co-ownership to help combat a market where home prices are just out of reach. The Niagara region is seeing prices on homes climber higher than before making the prospect of home […]
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